What makes us human?

May 8, 2019

They say human beings are the most intelligent of all the biological creatures in the world. I do not doubt it. What humans feel and how humans feel, I wonder if any other animals feel the same.

As I stared wondering in understanding the elements and doodling on a piece of paper with a pen, I agreed on my own doubts: emotions do make humans humane; being able to feel all the happiness when something good happens or sad when something does not, or angry when something is terribly wrong. But wait! As these thoughts flowed on their own stream, I saw a dog barking to a stranger. Interesting! What do you know? Maybe emotions do not make humans humane or as intelligent as I thought they were. Everyone or let’s say every living being feels the same, every living being does have all the emotions I had previously limited the associations to human beings. The only difference is the way everyone expresses their emotions. Even my family express their emotions differently. Shoot! I was wrong then. I hate to be wrong. Especially, when I had limited my thougts, which directs me back to the original question “So, what make humans human?”

Maybe its the feeling of helping others that makes humans human. Maybe the fact that people can empathize, or let’s say at least a few can empathize, helping others in times of needs. Yeah! Maybe that’s what makes humans, human. The joy of helping others without a consideration, without the thought of maintaining their status quo is what making humans human. But I need to think about this critically. I do not want to be wrong again. Lol 😅. Okay, a few people empathize and help others. A few! What about the others? Not everyone empathize. What about them? They are humans! Myan, this is tougher to answer than it sounds. And yeah, it sucks!

As I continue to go through all these thoughts, my mom from her room shouts at me what I had been doing for an hour! I had not realized the amount of time that had passed. I had been sitting on this chair for almost an hour now without even realizing the stack of work pending on my desk. Maybe this is what makes us human, procrastination. Maybe procrastination is what makes me human, makes us human. Everyone procrastinates, one way or the other, one time or the other! Animals do not procrastinate. Lions do not let a passing deer just pass thinking it would make its kill later. Lol…nah!

Maybe this does not make us human. But something surely does. Then it hit me! That’s it! It’s this only. No, not us procrastinating, its the thoughts. Thoughts make us human. I had not been procrastinating for the past 2 hours, well technically yes, but you get the idea. I was rather lost in my thoughts. I had been lost dreaming, day-dreaming.

We think, we dream. We start thinking and lose ourselves in thoughts. We stay and day dream. We imagine and in our imagination, we create possibilities. We create thoughts that do not exist in reality. We innovate. Other beings do not do that. They live in the present. We do not. We either live in the past and learn from our mistakes, from other’s mistakes or we live in the future, trying to make things possible for us. Future gives us hope. Humans have become the prominent of all the living creatures because we can dream and we can create thoughts which are not in reality and work to make these thoughts a reality.

Now I know how everything is connected.The most innovative companies and the most profit making companies are those who are innovative. Technology demands innovation. Without innovation, technology would just be stagnant. The same is in engineering and arts and policy making.
In the world of business, being creative and innovative thrives not just in terms of product development but outreach and management. Not everyone accepts innovation and creativity, but that’s okay.

So let’s be us. Let’s start thinking, let’s start dreaming. Let’s not lose our essence. Let’s dream for a beautiful future and let’s make it a reality.

Dream! Because that makes you, you and us,us!

– The Royal Zen

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